Adult Tennis Tournaments

Challenge yourself and take your game to a whole new level.


NTRP Events

Compete in Fast Four style tournaments in our Section to accumulate ranking points to raise your position on the National Standing List (NSL). You can earn a chance to advance to the NTRP National Championships!

For the NTRP National Championship, USTA Hawaii has been allocated one (1) quota spot per division based on the NSL. Selections are based on the last published NSL prior to the entry deadline of each specific event. 

For singles, the top registered player from our Section will be selected based on the quota. For doubles, the top combined NSL of both partners will be selected. For example, the doubles team of Player A (#5 ranking)/Player B (#10 ranking) will be selected ahead of the doubles team of Player C (#1 ranking)/Player D (#74 ranking) because the combined NSL ranking of Player A/Player B is 15 compared to Player C/Player D which is 75. Please note that the National Adult & Family regulations stipulate that a player’s best six results will count towards a player's ranking.

Click here to view the official NTRP National Championships homepage where it will list the registration links for all the 2025 events. You MUST register for the National event to be considered as a selection based on our Section's quota. It is your responsibility to review all documents as there are certain requirements that players must fulfill in order to be deemed eligible to compete at the National events such as residency, rating type, etc. 

  • Men's and Women's Singles and Doubles

  • 18 & Over

    • 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, and 5.5

  • 40 & Over

    • 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, and 5.0

  • 55 & Over

    • 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, and 5.0

Hawaii Qualifying Events

NTRP National Championship Events

Masters Events

The Masters Events offer men and women competition in age level divisions. The divisions are from 30 - 100 in 5 year increments, as well as Open.

  • Men's Singles and Doubles

  • Women's Singles and Doubles

  • Open, 30+, 35+, 40+, 45+, 50+, 55+, 60+, 65+, 70+, 75+, 80+, 85+, 90+, 95+, and 100+

Winners Circle - NTRP Spring Event

Winners Circle - Masters Winter Event