
Changing lives through tennis.

{Updated: March 10, 2025}

Junior Tennis Champions Center Camp

The Junior Tennis Champions Center (JTCC) offers high-performance junior players a training opportunity with world-class coaches and national-level tournament players from around the country. The camp is located in College Park, Maryland. This year, three Hawaii juniors will be selected for a one-week of training scholarship.

*Available for ages 14-18

*3, one week scholarships are available at the JTCC in College Park, Maryland

*Available from June 9 to August 22

*Scholarship includes 1 week of training ($805 value), housing with a host family (player only) or a $500 hotel credit (hotel provided by JTCC)

*The scholarship does not include airfare, meals and transportation to the center

The deadline for applications is April 30th, 2025

*Please send application by email only to: Oceane Adam at:

Click Here for the Junior Tennis Champions Center Camp application

Updated: February 23, 2024

USTA Hawaii Pacific and USTA Maui Community Tennis Organization

Maui Junior Tennis Grant Program


To provide financial assistance to the Maui tennis community and specifically to provide financial assistance to Maui junior tennis players to travel to tennis tournaments on other islands and the mainland.

The grant is limited to $500 per junior and must be used for travel expenses to approved tennis tournaments.


To qualify an applicant must:

 Be a current resident of Maui

 Be age 18 or younger

 Demonstrate financial need


1. Financial need of applicant

2. Other special circumstances will be considered but are not required to be demonstrated


  1. A completed Maui Junior Tennis Grant application form

  2. W-2 Form or Federal Tax Return


1. Complete the Maui Junior Tennis Grant application form, which must be signed by a parent/guardian

2. Email a copy of your completed form only to: (do not email documents)

3. Mail the form and all required documents to:

Ron Romano

1888 Kalakaua Avenue, Suite C309

Honolulu, Hawaii 96815


All grant recipients are:

 Required to attend and participate in the tennis tournament for which the grant is awarded. Failure to meet this requirement will result in the loss of the grant and/or eligibility for future grants

 Required to submit receipts for the travel expenses

 After attending and participating in the tournament, required to submit a 1 page summary of how the grant benefited the recipient to

 Expected to, if asked, participate in Maui volunteer activities to help promote tennis

To apply: click here

[Updated: May 4, 2023]

Junior Tennis Champions Center Camp

The Junior Tennis Champions Center (JTCC) offers high-performance junior players a training opportunity with world-class coaches and national-level tournament players from around the country. The camp is located in College Park, Maryland. Each year, three Hawaii juniors will be selected for scholarship for a one-week camp.

*Available for ages 14-18

*3, one week scholarships are available at the JTCC in College Park, Maryland

*June 12 to August 25

*Scholarship includes 1 week of training, housing with a host family, local transportation and food

*The scholarship does not include airfare

The deadline for applications is May 31, 2023

*Please send application by email only to: Oceane Adam at:

Junior Tennis Champions Center Camp application

Muriel Osborne Grants

The objective of the Muriel Osborne Grants is provide funding to competitive junior female players.

The deadline for applications is May 31, 2023

*Please send application to: Oceane Adam at:

Muriel Osborne Grant Application_Kauai Residents

Muriel Osborne Grant Application_Hawaii Residents

Access Tennis

Access Tennis, formerly known as the Kahiau Foundation, is a non-profit organization dedicated to connecting Hawaii’s youth with tennis. They offer two types of scholarships, the Development Scholarship to support junior competition, and the Play Tennis Scholarship to support program participation.

The deadline for applications is June 15, 2023

For more information visit: