2023 East Hawaii Tri-Level League

League Overview

Tri-Level is not a recognized USTA League National program and match scores are not included in a player’s year-end NTRP rating calculation. There is a Sectional Championship to determine the teams that will compete at each level at the Tri-Level Invitational.

This is a doubles league for men and women 18 years of age and older. A player must be 18 years of age prior to the start of the league. The league season is in October. 

The NTRP levels of play are 3.5, 4.0 and 4.5 in separate men's and women's divisions.

A team match consists of one (1) doubles matches. The match format is best of 2 tiebreak sets with a 10-point tiebreak in lieu of a 3rd set and ad scoring. The switching of sides for service during any tiebreak shall follow the Coman Tiebreak Procedure. 

The minimum number of players on a team is 2, maximum 6 players. 

The league fee is $25 per player.


Players should not participate in this league unless the player is expected to receive a year-end computer rating "C" designation based on participation in the current year’s Adult division. A self-rated player's "C" year-end rating must not be higher than the Tri-Level playing level.

Only "C" computer rated players are allowed to compete in the Tri-Level Invitational. No "S" Self-rated, "M" Mixed Exclusive, "T" Tournament, or "A" Appeal players will be eligible to compete.

League Timeline

  • Captain and Scheduling Meeting: TBA

    The League Coordinator will send out meeting details via email to captains.

  • Player Registration Opens: TBA

  • Deadline to Submit Schedule Changes: TBA

  • League Season: October 1 - October 31

  • Section Championships: TBA

  • Invitational Information: TBA

  • League Coordinator: Sheri Nishida sheri@sakinoshita.com

    Contact the Coordinator if you are a player looking to join a team or a captain looking for players.

League Documents