Maui Adult 18 & Over League
League Information
Entry Fees
$29.15 per person on TennisLink ($26.00 local fee plus $3.15 TennisLink fee). Partial refunds will be made up to the start of the league season. No refunds will be available after the start of the league season, except for those not granted their medical appeals.
2 singles, 3 doubles for 3.0 - 4.5 divisions. 1 singles, 2 doubles for 2.5 women’s division.
Match Play
Two sets-regular scoring, match tie-break (first to ten (10) by two (2)) in lieu of 3rd set. The Coman Tiebreak will be used for both set tiebreaks and match tiebreaks.
Age Requirement
Player must turn 18 by start of season.
USTA Membership
All players’ USTA memberships need to be current through July 2024 in order to register for a team.
Team Size
Minimum 5, maximum 18 players for 2.5 women, 5.0 and Open divisions. Minimum 8, maximum 18 players for 3.0 - 4.5 divisions. If there are only two (2) teams in a division, each team is required to have minimally 40% of their players at that division’s NTRP level.
Results of Matches
The captain of the winning team shall report scores within 72 hours of the last individual match of the team match played or forfeit the win. If the entire team match cannot be completed on the original match date, each captain will notify the LLC as well as inform the LLC of the date(s) of the rescheduled match. This shall be done within 72 hours of the date that the original team match was to be played. After match scores have been entered on TennisLink, they must be confirmed by the opposing team within 72 hours of the entry or the scores will automatically be considered valid, and no appeals will be allowed. If the winning team cannot report the score due to unforeseen problems, a message shall be left for the Local League Coordinator within this 72-hour period. Captain's please be aware of reporting defaults as "DEFAULT", and not as a 6-0, 6-0 win. You risk having your players move up a level.
It is to the teams’ benefit that all captains review the MCTO Rules & Regulations that are posted on the MCTO Website, as well as the Hawaii Pacific Section Regulations on the HPS Website.
Special Considerations Made in Scheduling
Because there are no tournaments scheduled during this time of the year, we are fortunate to be able to utilize every Saturday & Sunday.
Maui County is not permitting light usage at the public courts for night play, so there will be no night matches scheduled at Wells.
Many players are registered in two (2) divisions, so every effort has been made to NOT have those divisions scheduled on the same day, but where it was necessary to do so, effort has been made to distance the match times so players may be played in both matches.
Playing for Multiple Teams
During the league season a player may:
Play on two teams at different levels and may play on both teams even if both teams advance to the sectional championships.
Play on two teams at the same level, but on different islands, but must choose one or the other if both teams advance to the sectional championships.
League Timeline
Team Numbers Available: April 4, 2021
Contact the League Coordinator to secure a number. Please provide ALL information: Team Name, Captain’s Name & Phone number(s), USTA #, email address, and home courts. Co-captain’s information info also if applicableTeam Registration Deadline: May 2, 2021, at 6:00 pm HST
Teams to have minimum (5) players registered for 2.5 women’s, 5.0 and Open divisions. Teams to have minimum (8) players registered for 3.0 - 4.5 divisions.Schedules Published: May 9, 2021
Ball Pick Up: May 9, 2021
Contact League Coordinator for the distribution location.Player Registration Deadline: May 22, 2021, at 6:00 pm HST
Players can register through TennisLink: Register for a team, entering their USTA number in the required field, entering the team number assigned to your team, and other information requested, and follow the prompts to the end. Be sure and check the box if you are Captain or co-captain.League Season: May 23 - July 17, 2021
Sectional Championship: TBA pending on Resorts contacted
Note: District local division champion teams that elect NOT to participate at Sectional Championships must split up where no more than 50% of the rostered players remain on the same team at the same level for the following season for this league.National Championship Information: TBA
League Coordinator: Jane Sakakihara
League Documents
2021 Adult 18 & Over Captain’s Contact Information
2021 MCTO Rules & Regulations